Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Shopping, shopping and more shopping

I did quite a bit of online Christmas shopping this year. I purchased most of the items from Amazon and Target. I really like because not only can you research and read the reviews about items you might purchase but you can create a "wish list". Once I found toys, books and movies I thought the boys would like, I added everything to a wish list. I was able to share the wish list with my mom and give her some ideas of what the boys might like. Lately, UPS has been making drops at my house. :) It's always fun to see what is in the box!

All this shopping has been lots of fun.....I have been having too much fun because it's kinda hard to stop. On Sunday we all went to Target to try and finish up the Christmas shopping and I spent almost $400.00! I've never spent that much at Target, it was kinda fun! On Sunday, I ended up buying three pairs of shoes. Tuesday night, I ended up going back to Target to get "a few more" Christmas gifts and ended up buying another pair of shoes. Like I said, I've been having lots of fun shopping. Oops!

Today I went to Ann Taylor Loft and bought a couple pairs of jeans and this sweater. I am usually not much of a shopper, I promise. The sweater is really cute, though. I usually hate trying stuff on (doesn't everyone?) but today's shopping adventure wasn't too bad. I even had a 20% off coupon!

I do have a little shopping I still need to do. Mostly stocking stuffer type stuff. Now I need to start wrapping, although I'm a little nerveous about wrapping. I'm going to have to keep a close eye on Carter--I think he might tear into the presents!

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