Saturday, April 11, 2009

Silly kids!

I love this picture! M being silly and C checking out his big brother!

My Little Guy

This is my little guys who just turned 3! Isn't he cute!

We went roller skating for C's birthday but he wouldn't skate! Silly kid couldn't bear to part with his shoes.

Here's a list of some of C's favorite things:

Favorite foods: He's kind of a picky eater. But he always likes fruit. He loves bananas, oranges, apples and pineapple.

Favorite toy: his "alligator" (john deere gator)

Other favorites:
His love-love(blankie)
His bear
the pacifer "passie" he had to give up but still asks for from time to time.
playing with tractors, trucks, motorcycles etc
playing outside

Stuff C says that cracks me up:
"Don't worry about me, I fine."
"Hey mom, guess what?"